Moïse Togo
Mali - France - Cameroon


Ghost ship connects two ends of the chain of illegal emigration. A first that expresses absence, hope, despair and guilt, through the voice of the families of missing migrants. A second that gives a burial to the anonymous drowned people rejected by the sea and tries to re-inscribe them in history through the gestures of men of goodwill. In the great void left by the victims, the destinies of their families intersect and moving testimonies surface.

1st feature

Les films du bilboquet (France)
Eugénie Michel Villette



Tara Group (Cameroon)
Dieudonné Alaka



Director’s statement

I grew up in a society where many families are affected by clandestine emigration, which perpetually carries away souls thirsty for the hope of a better future, a phenomenon which makes the Sahara an open cemetery. For several decades, the Mediterranean has been carrying migrants, and within it has gathered cries of pain that have never been heard and dreams that have never seen the light of day. Among the migrants, many are financially supported by collecting money from the whole family or through a loan. After their disappearance, in addition to debts, some family members feel guilty for having contributed to their disappearance. It is difficult to express yourself when you think you have contributed to the disappearance of a loved one. However, this speaking out can already be a way for them, for me, to pay tribute to their missing loved one.


Moïse Togo
Moïse Togo

A graduate of the Bamako Conservatory and the Fresnoy-Studio national des arts contemporains, Moïse Togo is passionate about art and began his university studies in legal and political sciences in 2010. His artistic ambitions then led him to the Bamako Conservatory and then to Fresnoy through the Bakary Diallo prize. His work questions the evolution of African beliefs in a modern world, new technologies and the social conditions of being. In 2021, he won the SCAM prize for experimental work with his film $75,000, which was also selected in competition at the Sundance International Film festival in 2022, and screened at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in 2021. His experimental approach unfolds from one production to the next, allowing him to explore new forms of film writing. 

Eugénie Michel-Villette
Eugénie Michel-Villette

Eugénie Michel-Villette initiated Les Films du Bilboquet in 2014. Since then, she has produced numerous documentary films presented at international festivals. Speaker in residences and masters professor at the University of Amiens and Yaoundé, Eugénie is or has been a member of CNC, regional commissions (cinema and audiovisual). She participated in the Eurodoc program, and she is a member of the Friends of Cinéma du réel, RHIZOM producers in Hauts de France and represents the OUICOPROD program of the OIF. 

Total budget

€462 000

Financing secured

€21 500

Partners attached

Pictanovo (Regional fund), Résidence Casa del arte 

Expected delivery


Looking for

Co-producers, private funds, broadcasters, sales agents, distributors

Other Projects in development